Archive for the ‘Skin’ Category

  • Disadvantages of Industrial Soaps

    One of the biggest disadvantages of using industrial soaps is that these items are not specially created for people with special skin needs, and are not usually gentle. Herbal soaps, cleansing soaps, and moisturizing soaps contain mixtures of vitamins, herbs, and natural substances that are specially formulated to promote skin health, while most industrial soaps […]

  • Combination Skins

    If your skin has a greasy area, while the rest is dry or normal, you have to know that you have a skin of two combination. This is called Combination skins which are very common and are one of the most frequently misunderstood and mistreated skins. The forehead, nose and chin i.e. the T-zone, may […]

  • Your Way To Beautiful Skin

    The secret to beautiful skin lies in more than genetics. When you have learned about Skin Types, you will search the way for beautiful skin. Sure, if you have good genes you’re bound to have great skin. But even great skin needs three simple steps to ensure its cleanliness, texture and vibrancy. Before you start […]

  • Skin Types

    You may choose skin products among the beauty market to suit your skin profile. But what’s the most important thing for this process is that you first need to know the type of skin you posses. Among the different kinds of skin, you can learn Your Way to Beautiful Skin. There are four basic skin […]

  • Whitening Tips

    Fair complexion is a dream and achievement of everyone. Your Fair complexion stands as a Face Mask for you. In the marriage market and dreams the first preference will be to those with a fair skin. Why should you stay away from this perfect appearance? Try these handy beauty tips and see the changes within […]

  • Dark Underarms Remedies

    Dark underarms are a very common problem. Most of us face it. We want our underarms free of hair and so we get it removed. However, anyone who gets their underarms waxed regularly knows that one cannot re-wax the underarms until the hair has grown out, and this is where the problem lies. Skin being […]

  • Tips For Sunless Tanning

    Sunless tanning is a smooth alternative to get some color without the risk of exposing yourself to the sun’s harmful rays. The advantage about sunless tanners is that you can apply the product to a certain area or all over the body. The whole process takes about two hours, not including drying time. However you […]

  • Food for healthy Skin

    Ever wondered what is best for your skin while you choose a massage oil or kept wondering about what are the best face cleaning tips to follow? If you think healthy skin is gained by only using appropriate skin care products then you are wrong. These products are external treatments. Besides these products, you also […]

  • Remove Stretch Marks

    Stretch marks are fine lines or scars on the skin. But the look of stretch marks depends on the softness of your skin. Genetics can also be one of the reasons for it. If any woman in your family got stretch marks during their pregnancy, you are more likely to get that. However, it will […]